[lug] best way to move samba shares to a new server

Lee Woodworth blug-mail at duboulder.com
Tue Jan 3 19:22:47 MST 2012

On 01/02/2012 08:09 PM, Brian Stiff wrote:
> Thanks for your comments.  I've been testing samba shares that were migrated to the new server based on you guys' advice, and I'll most likely be moving the data with rsync over NFS after I'm satisfied that the shares are only open to whomever they're supposed to be available to.  

rsync over nfs? Do you mean you using rsync locally to copy to a locally mounted nfs view
of a file system or do you mean rsyncing from the local machine to the remote machine's fs
which is shared via nfs? E.g.
   rsync --archive -v /local/fs/ /mnt/remote/fs/
   rsync --archive -v /local/fs/ ip.of.remote.server:/target/fs/
where /target/fs/ is shared via nfs.

On my network the latter command is much faster. It also benefits from data compression
(on compressible files of course). The former command would ask nfs to send complete files
to the remote and not benefit from rsync's compression. It would be up to the nfs transfer
to perform any compression. rsync sets up two processes for local file copies and can use
compression between its processes. The receiving process needs to write complete,
decompressed files to the target file system.

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