[lug] libre office question

David A. Merritt dmerritt at comcast.net
Wed Dec 20 20:04:48 MST 2017

Sorry to top-post.

Here is how I've done it:

Create new doc and, before adding any content, pull down
menu item "Format", then "Page...", then "Page" tab.
Select Orientation: Landscape, then "OK".

Then, pull down "File", then "Printer Settings...", Then
"Properties...", then select "Paper" tab, then "Orientation"
Landscape, then "OK".

At this point, my screen view is landscape and I add content,
then send it to the printer (Pixma iP4000 ... yes, very old :o).

Works for me; hope it works for you.


On Wed, 20 Dec 2017, Matt James wrote:

> I'm interested in this topic as well - was trying to help my wife with
> LibreOffice on her Mac and had the same issue - could not for the life of
> me figure out how to change the print orientation.  As already suggested as
> a hack, I ended up running it out to a PDF and then rotating the print of
> the PDF.  Shouldn't have to do that.....
> I'm thinking this might be a fight between the printer driver and LO?  or
> is it a print subsystem fight with LO?
> In any case - I'm curious if someone has successfully found the check box
> for this - possibly with a different print driver / subsystem / etc?
> FWIW - I have an HP CP1525nw
> Matt
> On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Jed S. Baer <blug at jbaer.cotse.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, 19 Dec 2017 12:32:34 -0500
>> Steve Litt wrote:
>>> If you mean that the pickup rollers won't grab the 3x5 or 4x6 in
>>> landscape mode, that's a mechanical problem you can't overcome without
>>> manually feeding them in.
>> It does seem like a mechanical feed problem. But this makes sense with
>> the original intent of the question, as I understand it. 3x5 and 4x6 feed
>> OK the long way, but not the short way, so we can conclude that under 5
>> inches doesn't work. Therefore, the sought after fix is to be able to
>> feed them the long way, with the printing still going along the long
>> dimension. And, to do it all within LibreOffice.
>> I still think a rotated text box would do it.
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David A. Merritt
dmerritt at comcast.net

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