[lug] virtual screens on gnome?

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Sun Feb 11 15:14:57 MST 2018

On Sun, 11 Feb 2018 13:50:31 -0700 (MST)
"David L. Willson" <DLWillson at TheGeek.NU> wrote:

> I think my favorite common feature of GNOME 3, Windows 10, and macOS
> is that they all have a search/launch input box that is quickly and
> easily accessed with the keyboard or the mouse.
> I suppose that if there's a WM that is better than GNOME 3 in some
> way (lighter, prettier, more powerful), but it still has that
> feature, it might be worth trying.

You can enjoy this feature on pretty much any modern Linux WM/DE
(Window Manager/Desktop Environment) by installing Suckless Tools'
dmenu program, and hotkeying it in with an easy hotkey.

Dmenu doesn't respond to the mouse, but because you must type in the
search phrase and therefore must move your fingers to the keyboard
anyway, you lose nothing by invoking the search from the keyboard and
using it from the keyboard. It's very touch-typist friendly and can be
used entirely from home position. It's a program-running rocket sled.

Dmenu relieves you from needing to pick your WM/DE based on the nature
of its built in menu.


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