[lug] CANCELLED: Boulder Linux User's Group - March Meeting - Boulder Linux Users Group - Mar 12, 2020

Rob Nagler nagler at bivio.biz
Mon Mar 16 19:16:30 MDT 2020

I hate to get in the middle of this, but why not.

https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus is a reasonable site for stats.

One of the things we still don't know is the mortality risk, especially in
the US, because the tests per million people (see above) is so low.

The CDC estimates the mortality risk of COVID-19 between 0.25%–3.0%
<https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/6/20-0320_article>. For "flu"
mortality risk is about .1%

The reason so many people die from the flu each year is that people don't
get flu shots (cuts mortality by about 50%), and they don't take contagion
very seriously. People continue to go about their business. My mom, for
example, once had walking pneumonia, and kept driving around. She passed
out at one point, and crashed into another car. Fortunately, the occupants
of the other car weren't hurt, but they were seriously inconvenienced.
Imagine if people actually self-quarantined when symptoms started to show.
We would have a lot lower burden on our healthcare system, and fewer people
would die from the flu each year.

Once people (or the government) takes quarantines seriously, contagion
slows and stops. Here's an article that discusses why:

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