[lug] Happy 30th, Linux

Gary Hodges - NOAA Affiliate gary.hodges at noaa.gov
Sat Aug 28 10:47:23 MDT 2021

I just pulled my first Linux book off the shelf.  Red Hat Linux Unleashed
that came with version 3.0.3.  I believe after purchasing I realized the
version was outdated, and I ended up installing Red Hat v4.2.  For much of
my early years I tried to dig in and learn what was going on behind the
scenes, so to speak, but for at least a decade I'm more of a plain old
computer user that happens to use a computer running Linux.  After
using/trying Red Hat, SUSE, Mint, Kubuntu, and surely a couple/few others,
I've settled on Debian.

Not long after that initial Red Hat v4.2 start I was a victim of the bind
vulnerability.  Someone got in and issued "cd /;rm -rf *".  Good times.

On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 1:22 PM Jed S. Baer <blug at jbaer.cotse.net> wrote:

> On Wed, 25 Aug 2021 11:55:01 -0600
> Greg Dickinson wrote:
> > Since 1994: Skackware and kermel 0.94.  I downloaded the disks (30 or
> > so) at work at CU and used their 10 base T connection.  It was the only
> > way to get it since I only had a 2400 baud modem at home.
> I think I didn't try downloading any ISOs until the 56K days. I think I
> didn't use dialup for anything but e-mail and BBSing until at least 19.2.
> I'm pretty sure for RH5.2 I went to SoftPro and bought the boxed edition.
> So I never experienced the joy of the many multi-disk install.
> --
> All operating systems suck, but Linux just sucks less
>  - Linus Torvalds
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