[lug] no fun with the sun

socket at peakpeak.com socket at peakpeak.com
Tue Jan 25 21:08:53 MST 2000

"Harris, James A (Jim)" <HarriJA at LOUISVILLE.STORTEK.COM> writes:
> One final note: It is amazing how large these Linux installations have
> grown.  520 MB can't hold a RedHat installation with X anymore.  Even NT
> with everything selected is only around 300 MB.

Interesting that you mention this.  As we speak, I'm setting up my
laptop with Slackware 7.  You might have seen it at the mini-expo held
at CU last month, where I brought my laptop to show off the
scalability on the other end.  The great thing about Linux for me is
that even *with* massive distributions, I can still select exactly
which packages I want, cut some corners, and trim the fat.

I'm was using just about 60 megs for a system to browse the web with
lynx, take notes and read email with emacs, make scripts with perl and
python, display individual images, ssh, telnet, ftp, and the less
obvious bits necessary for booting and minimal use.

As I speak, I'm building 2.2.14 with a smaller array of features,
pulling a good 8 megs (at least) of modules installed by slackware by
default, which will bring it down to 39 megs used on the hard drive
until I plug it into the network to install emacs, perl, and python.

The obligatory microsoft snub is here: I've read that Windows 2000
requires a minimum of 64 megs of real memory to run.

Chris Riddoch                  socket at peakpeak.com
Will provide pseudo-insightful commentary for food

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