[Re: [lug] DSL question]

Archer Sully archer at meer.net
Sun Apr 23 20:40:25 MDT 2000

PC Drew wrote:
> Thus spake Justin on Sunday, April 23, 2000, 11:38:12 AM:
> J> I'm kinda confused now. The scenario I am trying to complete is this. My linux
> J> router box has two eth interfaces eth0 and eth1. Since the Cisco router comes
> J> pre configured in bridging mode (ie: no routing) ...
> Everything that you've described above is great for a DSL MODEM or a
> Cable MODEM.  What you've got now is a DSL ROUTER.  This means that
> you can serve your entire network with out the need for a linux
> machine.  Using PPP, your DSL router has the static IP address and DNS
> info contained inside it.  You can setup filters to deny/allow
> packets, port forwarding to allow packets to go to a certain machine,
> etc.
> This way, you setup your DSL router the same way your T1 router would
> be setup at an office....

Except for one thing:  Everything that the Cisco 675 does, Linux
does better.  And it does more.  And it has a modicum of security,
which the 675 has none of.

Its one thing to use a real Cisco in a real network situation, but 
even then you back up the router with a dual homed machine to 
perform more sophisticated/auditable functions than you can with
a router.

And just in case anyone isn't getting the point:  when you hook
everything up through the router all of your hosts are now on
the internet, with no effective firewall.  Keep that in mind.

-- archer

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