[lug] Re: Time & Frequency seminars 2000 (fwd)

Wayde Allen wallen at boulder.nist.gov
Wed May 10 10:53:19 MDT 2000

On Wed, 10 May 2000, Wayde Allen wrote:

> On Tue, 9 May 2000, Bob Collins wrote:
> > I thought others may have the same question I have about this email.  
> > 
> > I have looked at it with "view source" trying to see how it is displayed
> > with color and I don't see anything.  How was the note created to
> > display in color?
> Well, I didn't see any color since I displayed it as plain text myself.
> There may be a couple possible explanations though.
> The defacto standard (don't get me started) mail client at NIST is Eudora. 
> I think that out of the box this comes configured to send formated text
> and/or html.  

***A lot of recent e-mail is not broadcast in two parts.***

Sorry, that was supposed to read:  A lot of recent e-mail is broadcast in
two parts. 

>  A
> pure ASCII text block followed by an html formated block.  I suppose it is
> possible that this message was sent that way and your mailer interpreted
> the html block to get the colors.  The other possibility is that I've
> occassionally noticed that people using Eudora send messages with what I
> assume to be ANSII or ISO-8859 special character codes.  There may be a
> code sequence that specifies the text color and this might be what you are
> seeing. 
> I just forewarded the message on to the list.  I didn't create it.
> - Wayde
>   (wallen at boulder.nist.gov)
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- Wayde
  (wallen at boulder.nist.gov)

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