[lug] Virus in the email....
Ryan Kirkpatrick
rkirkpat at nag.cs.colorado.edu
Fri Jun 9 08:38:50 MDT 2000
On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Brian Ketelsen wrote:
> That is the KAK virus, a little beast that lives in HTML signatures of
> infected outlook / o. express clients. You can get info on it at
> McAffee.com. It isn't too powerful as virii go, but it is annoying.
Thanks for the quick answer. Though, McAffee site is not too
useful unless one has IE5 and a windows box. Apparently it wants you to
download a plugin to access their site. That is as bad, if not worse, than
M$! Ironic as if I had had IE5 to view their site, I would have already
been infected by the virus. Have an anti-virus site that can only be
viewed by the easiest to infect browser, very smart!
Anyway, I found a better (i.e. in standard HTML) site about the
virus, the URL is below. TTYL.
| "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." |
| --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV) |
| Ryan Kirkpatrick | Boulder, Colorado | http://www.rkirkpat.net/ |
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