[lug] Virus in the email....

Ken Scott kscott-list at pcisys.net
Fri Jun 9 08:42:44 MDT 2000

Yep, it's a vbs virus. KAK something or other. My dad got it a couple
weeks ago, and it was going through another list I'm on a week before
that. As a virus, it's not very damaging. It's payload is to keep the user
from logging into Windows on a certain day at a certain time.

The AntiVirus center on symantec.com knows all about it, and has cleanup


On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Ryan Kirkpatrick wrote:

> 	Ok, I got an interesting email this morning, and it was not even
> really for me. It was sent to the webmaster account for the website I
> admin, which of course meant it ended up in my email box. It was really
> meant for the other people at the company I work for. I get these every
> now and again, people not realizing where to send email, so I normally
> forward them on. But this time something caught my eye as a big wrong...
> The email was in both text and HTML, and the HTML version of the email
> contained what looks like a rather long JavaScript. :(
> 	I have excerpted from the email below the releveant sections. The
> human-readbale contents of the email appeared perfectly normal and valid,
> so I don't think that part was forged by an computer program. But glancing
> through the script made me a bit worried. I don't even know if it is
> JavaScript or not. Might be even be a copy of one of those infamous email
> viruses going around for all I know. Anyway, can anyone shed some light on
> this? 
> 	Don't worry, what is below should not be executable provided you
> don't copy it to an seperate file and try to load it in a web browser.
> Also, I emailed the sender warning them that their system might be
> infected and made sure that he had not sent any more emails to any of the
> addresses for the company.
> 	PS. Thank goodness for text only email readers. :)
><>   Ken Scott   kscott at pcisys.net   http://www.pcisys.net/~kscott   
              This is the day that the Lord has made;             
              I will rejoice and be glad in it!          -- Psalm 118:24  

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