[lug] Noisy drives; was: Data integrity problems on new machine

J. Wayde Allen wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov
Thu Sep 28 11:23:41 MDT 2000

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, D. Stimits wrote:

> I once considered building my own enclosure, but even that would require
> good ventilation. With the modern video cards and motherboard chipsets,
> good air circulation is mandatory even if the cpu is completely liquid
> cooled. Makes me wonder if it is possible to create a teflon-coated,
> laminar flow cylinder to muzzle my fans with, since the turbulence is
> the largest noise from my systems.

Perhaps your basement is simply a resonant cavity?  You could try some
simple things to minimize hard parallel surfaces that reflect sound and
see if that doesn't help.

- Wayde
  (wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov)

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