[lug] Noisy drives; was: Data integrity problems on new machine

D. Stimits stimits at idcomm.com
Thu Sep 28 20:40:53 MDT 2000

"J. Wayde Allen" wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, D. Stimits wrote:
> > I once considered building my own enclosure, but even that would require
> > good ventilation. With the modern video cards and motherboard chipsets,
> > good air circulation is mandatory even if the cpu is completely liquid
> > cooled. Makes me wonder if it is possible to create a teflon-coated,
> > laminar flow cylinder to muzzle my fans with, since the turbulence is
> > the largest noise from my systems.
> Perhaps your basement is simply a resonant cavity?  You could try some
> simple things to minimize hard parallel surfaces that reflect sound and
> see if that doesn't help.

In my case there I don't use the basement. One thing I don't like is a
long video line for monitors. I'm one of those OpenGL nuts that likes
high frame rates, 1600x1280, and 32 bit color. The room itself isn't
that bad, it is small, and has clutter all over (no echoes per se). The
12 or so fans are noisy, and that doesn't even include the power
supplies or cpu's.

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