[lug] Re: 2001 Denver Computer & Technology Showcase (fwd)

J. Wayde Allen wallen at lug.boulder.co.us
Tue Dec 12 15:42:00 MST 2000

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, J. Wayde Allen wrote:

> We put together a booth at this show last year, and it seemed to go pretty
> well.  Is there any interest in pursuing this for 2001?  If so, who would
> like to spearhead this activity?  Mr. Lambert has offered several
> suggestions of things we could do.  Are any of these of interest, or do
> you have any other ideas?

Well so far I haven't had any comments about this show.  (The
original posting is listed below.)

Mr. Lambert will be calling me in the next few days, and will want to know
what we've decided.  Is anyone interested in pulling this off?  It does
get Linux out in front of the local business community.  If not, I will
assume that there is no group support for this and will have to tell him
that we won't be participating.

Keep in mind that this show is only 4 months away, the CLIQ event is a
month earlier than that!  What is the interest in having a booth at the
CLIQ?  Who wants to start putting that together?

- Wayde
  (wallen at lug.boulder.co.us)

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 08:42:21 -0800
> From: Brad Lambert <blambert at techshows.com>
> To: wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov
> Subject: 2001 Denver Computer & Technology Showcase
> Wayde,
> Thanx for taking the time to explain a little of the past relationship
> between our organizations.  As I stated on the phone I am interested in
> working with your association again this year, but I also want to make sure
> ALL options of exposure for the BLUG have been explored.
> Here are some ideas and past experiences:
> 1)  Conduct your monthly meeting at the event, I will supply the room
> complimentary
> 2)  Conduct a keynote address to your members
> 3)  Hold "Installfest" at the event, again in a room I supply
> 4)  Create a Linux focus area on the showfloor showcasing Linux solution
> providers and companies, and conduct Linux seminars in a theater dedicated
> to Linux.  I would of course need your help in this area to identify the
> companies that would meet the criteria.
> The big thing I want to avoid is the typical, "you give me a booth and I
> will let you use my logo".  That is an injustice to the BLUG, and to the
> event itself.  If market exposure and gaining new members is of concern,
> there are a wide variety of scenarios we can entertain for you to get the
> Maximum benefit from your participation.
> I have attached the Advisory Council Form for your review and input.  Please
> feel free to share any feedback you might have.  I will follow up with you
> in the near future to further discuss.
> Have a great holiday, and I look forward to talking to you soon,
> Brad A. Lambert
> Executive Director
> Denver/Calgary Computer & Technology Showcase
> Event Management Services, Inc.
> 516 SE Morrison St., Ste LL
> Portland, OR 97214
> Phone: 800-422-0251 Ext. 3012
> Fax: 503-234-4253
> www.techshows.com

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