[lug] Re: 2001 Denver Computer & Technology Showcase (fwd)

Alan Robertson alanr at suse.com
Thu Dec 14 10:28:04 MST 2000

"J. Wayde Allen" wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, J. Wayde Allen wrote:
> > We put together a booth at this show last year, and it seemed to go pretty
> > well.  Is there any interest in pursuing this for 2001?  If so, who would
> > like to spearhead this activity?  Mr. Lambert has offered several
> > suggestions of things we could do.  Are any of these of interest, or do
> > you have any other ideas?
> Well so far I haven't had any comments about this show.  (The
> original posting is listed below.)
> Mr. Lambert will be calling me in the next few days, and will want to know
> what we've decided.  Is anyone interested in pulling this off?  It does
> get Linux out in front of the local business community.  If not, I will
> assume that there is no group support for this and will have to tell him
> that we won't be participating.
> Keep in mind that this show is only 4 months away, the CLIQ event is a
> month earlier than that!  What is the interest in having a booth at the
> CLIQ?  Who wants to start putting that together?
> - Wayde
>   (wallen at lug.boulder.co.us)
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 08:42:21 -0800
> > From: Brad Lambert <blambert at techshows.com>
> > To: wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov
> > Subject: 2001 Denver Computer & Technology Showcase
> >
> > Wayde,
> >
> > Thanx for taking the time to explain a little of the past relationship
> > between our organizations.  As I stated on the phone I am interested in
> > working with your association again this year, but I also want to make sure
> > ALL options of exposure for the BLUG have been explored.
> >
> > Here are some ideas and past experiences:
> >
> > 1)  Conduct your monthly meeting at the event, I will supply the room
> > complimentary
> > 2)  Conduct a keynote address to your members
> > 3)  Hold "Installfest" at the event, again in a room I supply
> > 4)  Create a Linux focus area on the showfloor showcasing Linux solution
> > providers and companies, and conduct Linux seminars in a theater dedicated
> > to Linux.  I would of course need your help in this area to identify the
> > companies that would meet the criteria.

I could certainly give a talk or two on HA stuff or possibly a general
advocacy talk, and would help staff a booth for BLUG.  I could provide
copies of SuSE Linux (probably 7.1 by then) for an installfest and help with

	-- Alan Robertson
	   alanr at suse.com

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