[lug] [rmiug-discuss] Colorado E-Commerce Roundtable Annual Conference (fwd)

J. Wayde Allen wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov
Thu May 3 09:24:10 MDT 2001

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 00:33:19 -0600
From: Bob Bandy <bbandy7 at home.com>
To: rmiug-discuss at rmiug.org
Subject: [rmiug-discuss] Colorado E-Commerce Roundtable Annual Conference

The Colorado Electronic Commerce Roundtable (COECRT) proudly announces its'
Fourth Annual Electronic Commerce Conference to be held Monday May 14, 2001
at the Denver Holiday Inn Southeast from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

This conference is packed with content for you, whether you are a novice in
electronic commerce and EDI, need to develop an EC strategy for your
company, or are wrestling with a sophisticated solution to an EC challenge.
Many of the speakers are from across the country and bring us their national
reputations for their vast knowledge and deep understanding of electronic
commerce processes.

Even if you have attended this conference in the past, the program has
Evolved along with Electronic Commerce and contains sessions on virtually
everything you ever wanted to know about EC and its applications. In its
previous three years, fully 95-plus percent of the attendees at this
conference have said that they would return again - and they have!

While the conference may be local in nature, it is national in stature.
Speakers this year are from all over the country and bring incredible
Amounts of knowledge and experience. And for only $175, this one-day event
is a real bargain! The registration fee includes lunch, continental
refreshment breaks, and a CD ROM containing all of the proceedings. You just
cannot beat that value!

Whether you are a novice and need "EC Boot Camp" and "XML 101" or are
experienced in EC and want to know the latest in XML applications, supply
chain automation, cutting edge e-payment methodologies, application
integration issues, or want to talk with EC vendors about the latest in EC
software, this conference is for you.

The conference is produced by your local organization, the Colorado EC

Monday May 14, 2001

Denver Holiday Inn Southeast

Regardless of how you look at it, this conference is a real bargain.  The
registration fee is only $175 for COECRT members and $195 for non-members.

Just click here: http://www.multicorp.com

Or call the Conference Hotline at 1(800) 516-9490.

Or take this opportunity to visit the COECRT website at: www.coecrt.org
See you there!

Ginny Crane
Conference Chair

P.S.  A few selected sponsorships and table top exhibits remain available

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