John Karns jkarns at csd.net
Mon May 14 10:49:05 MDT 2001

On Sun, 13 May 2001, Yuko Jonah said:

>Hi all,
>Is anyone in the Denver area running suse linux 7.1
>and connected to the at&t cable modem. I need help for
>i seem not to be able to do this, i tried to configure
>my  sys but can't even see the device eth0. 
>I have Linksys Ether16 10baset lan card and Aopen card
>can someone help pls.
>contact phone # 303/5918731

If you use dhcp, it should work as well as on any LAN where you use
dhcp.  I used SuSE 7.1 on my Inspiron 8000 after specifying dhcp for my

John Karns                                              jkarns at csd.net

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