John Karns jkarns at csd.net
Mon May 14 20:13:38 MDT 2001

On Mon, 14 May 2001, Ferdinand Schmid said:

>It seems easier for beginners to use the configuration tool rather than editing
>configuration files.  If you do so then you need to make sure that you execute
>/sbin/SuSEconfig after making your changes.  Otherwise your configuration

Configuration tools are indeed good things, especially for beginners or
those who prefer them.  However, I haven't really experienced the
rc.config over-write that you mention.  I routinely make changes to
/etc/rc.config via an editor; maybe I just haven't noticed, but I've been
doing it for quite some time.

As a test, I manually changed the parameter "ENABLE_SYSRQ="yes" to "no".
Then under yast, I selected "Change Configuration file" and changed a
different parameter, which triggered suseconfig upon exiting to Yast's
main menu.  However, my change to "ENABLE_SYSRQ" remained set to "no".

John Karns                                              jkarns at csd.net

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