[lug] RPM issues

howeljs at grimoire.stortek.com howeljs at grimoire.stortek.com
Thu Jun 21 16:55:15 MDT 2001

Unfortunately I can't use those options with an automated GUI thing like 

Prescott wrote:

> You know, it's my experience from working with Redhat and other RPM 
> based distributions that the RPM database eventually gets screwed no 
> matter what. I have tried very hard on some systems to keep it intact 
> and it always eventually falls apart (not sure why). FWIW, It gets to 
> the point now where if I know all the dependancies are met for an RPM 
> I'm trying to install I almost always use the --nodeps --force options 
> now. It's really not worth the headache to try and keep RPM's flaky 
> database from deepsixing itself.
> Prescott

  Jeff Howell
  EDS Unix Support

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