[lug] ISP for antispam recommendations?

BOF bof at pcisys.net
Wed Mar 27 10:00:48 MST 2002

LittleViggy at alum.manhattan.edu wrote:

>I don't have an ISP recomendation, but a friend of mine was battling the same 
>problem.  He found the following (pay) service on the Net.
This is OK, if you accept this provision in their TOS:

    You agree that any materials, including but not limited to
    questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, plans, notes, drawings,
    original or creative materials or other information, provided by you
    in the form of e-mail or submissions to Mailshell, or postings on
    this Service, are non-confidential and shall become the sole
    property of Mailshell. Mailshell shall own exclusive rights,
    including all intellectual property rights, and shall be entitled to
    the unrestricted use of these materials for any purpose, commercial
    or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to you. The
    submission of any materials to Mailshell, including the posting of
    materials to any forum or interactive area, irrevocably waives any
    and all "moral rights" in such materials, including the rights of
    paternity and integrity

TANSTAFL, indeed!


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