[lug] Re: [BLUG-ANNOUNCE] April 11, 2002 - Boulder Linux User Group Meeting

Phil Weinstein philip.weinstein at colorado.edu
Wed Apr 10 15:02:15 MDT 2002

As hard as I try, I can't seem to wrap my mind around "social
engineering attacks."  Are these attacks from friendly
engineers?   Attacks that are intended to have a friendly
outcome?  Attempts by the Colorado legislature to denigrate a
minority population through offensive legislation? (maybe HB
1356) -- that would be interesting.  But somehow a control panel
is involved.  Sign me up!

Phil Weinstein

Chris Riddoch wrote:
> Abstract: A computer network is only as secure as it's weakest link.
>           More and more that link is becoming the natural tendency to
>           trust others that we all have. In this talk I will go over
>           how social engineering attacks against your networks work,
>           and what you can do to reduce your exposure to them.
> Demo Speaker: Rob Riggs <RRiggs at doubleclick.net>
> Demo:     configuring the PAM console module, which is used to manage
>           device ownership & permissions so that the console user has
>           access to the various devices on a workstation.

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