[lug] remotely accessible sub-domain

Peter Hutnick peter-lists at hutnick.com
Tue Feb 25 13:42:20 MST 2003

Paul Nowosielski said:
> Hello,
>  I have computer on my home network that I would like to set up as a
> remotely accessible sub-domain  ( ex: mycomp.mydomain.com ). My network
> is set up like this:
> 	Internet
> 	|
>   	dsl-modem
> 		|
>         	mainbox(
>         		|(nat)
> 			|
> 			mycomp.mydomain.com (
> How can I make remotely accessible via http and ssh?
> I would appreciate any help in this.

I'm a bit confused by your diagram, and I think maybe others are as well
from the responses thus far.

Are you saying that your ISP assigns you a 10.0.0. (i.e. non-Internet
routeable) address?

Or do you mean that your DSL terminal equipment gets the Internet
routeable IP and passes off a 10.0.0. on your workstation?

Or is there some other NAT device (i.e. Linksys router) not pictured that
is getting the real IP?

Bottom line, are you really doing two levels of NAT?  Successfully?


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