[lug] Oracle 9i install on Redhat 9

Joseph P. Crotty jcrotty18 at attbi.com
Wed Apr 30 17:31:41 MDT 2003

hey gang,

I installed Oracle 9i (v9.2.0.1) on a Redhat 8 box in a pretty sizeable battle,
but it worked for the most part.  I upgraded the box to Redhat 9 and all hell
broke lose, mostly complaints about GLIBC2 from Java visa vie Oracle.

So, in a panic I uninstalled the whole thing (i.e. it was just an empty database
I put on to get some practice doing Oracle/Linux installs and running OEM) and
tried a fresh install and now I am really up a creek.  The install hangs with 0%
complete while trying to copy a README file.  Be happy to provide more

Anyone have any success stories/tips they would like to share or am I doomed?  I
have googled my butt off, but can't find any relevant docs.

Joe Crotty

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