[lug] Re: Telnet-ing

John Hernandez John.Hernandez at noaa.gov
Thu May 1 13:24:50 MDT 2003

On Wednesday 30 April 2003 09:59 pm, SoloCDM wrote:
> Recognizing the file needed to exist, I viewed the
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd file.  Upon close examination, I looked at
> /usr/sbin/xinetd and found it didn't exist, but /usr/sbin/xinetd-2.3.0
> did.  Fortunately, only a simple link was needed.

This makes me suspicious that your OS installation was somehow incomplete.  
Have you verified the packages installed to make sure there aren't other 
files missing?


 |  John Hernandez - NOAA Boulder NOC - 303-497-6392
 |  Mailstop R/OM62. 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305
 |  PGP Public Key ID: 586A7E23

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