[lug] upgrading from redhat-6.1

Jeffery D. Collins jcollins at boulder.net
Sat Sep 6 11:18:04 MDT 2003

Kevin Fenzi wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>>>>>>"Jeffery" == Jeffery D Collins <jcollins at boulder.net> writes:
>Jeffery> I'm helping a friend of mine to upgrade from redhat 6.1 to
>Jeffery> krud 9.  It requires that the rpm packaging system be
>Jeffery> upgraded from 3 to 4 (I presume).  Apparently, the packages
>yeah, amongst many years of other updates. ;) 
>Jeffery> can be found in the redhat errata, but I haven't been able to
>Jeffery> find them.  Anyone know where they can be found?
>First off, I would suspect it might be easier to just backup the users
>data and do a clean install. If thats not possible however:
>how are you doing the upgrade? If you boot from the cd and select
>upgrade it will do all the work for you. You shouldn't probibly try
>and upgrade manually via rpm command line or the like. 
We are using the latest Krud-9 CDs.  The problem appears to be that 
rh6.1 was installed with rpm-3, while the upgrade CDs require rpm-4.x to 
be installed. 

Oh, just found this in the release notes:

Users of Red Hat Linux 6.2 that want to upgrade their system to Red Hat 
Linux 9 must first have all errata updates applied before starting the 
upgrade process. The most straightforward way to accomplish this is to 
use Red Hat Network. A Red Hat Linux 6.2 system that is not completely 
up-to-date will /not/ upgrade successfully to Red Hat Linux 9.

>6.1 might be too old to let the krud9 upgrade it by default (might say
>it's too old), but you can force that with a:
>linux  upgradeany
Will this work despite what has been stated in the release notes?  Is 
this done at the boot: prompt?  Maybe we should backup the user data, 
attempt this approach and perform a clean install if it fails.


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