[lug] ogle

Elyse M. Grasso emgrasso at data-raptors.com
Sat Dec 6 10:36:54 MST 2003

I'm running Krud 9 on my laptop. When I start ogle and put in a DVD, the 
initial screen image on the DVD comes up, but nothing else happens. 

There is a message about "Xscreensaver not running". Does it need to be? I run 
KDE, and the screensavers seem to work fine there. Is it saying that it 
turned the screen saver off?

Is there something I need to do about these messages?
No accelerated colorspace coversion found
No accelerated IMDCT transform found

I can play DVDs if I boot over to Win XP (and remember to turn off the screen 
saver) but that's depressing. 
Elyse Grasso

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