[lug] Gmane?

Chris Riddoch chris-blug at syntacticsugar.org
Wed Apr 21 18:37:23 MDT 2004

Nate Duehr <nate at natetech.com> writes:
> Just a question: What problem is having a news gateway fixing?  Sounds
> like you had some people saying they wanted it -- what was the
> reasoning?

Problem? Well, it's not a bugfix, it's a feature request. From the
original message I got:

> Why?  I'm sure that different people have different reasons, but for
> me, I much prefer an interface where I have to remember to save
> something to one where I have to choose which messages to delete.

That interface being NNTP.  I personally save all the mail I get,
except that I've started deleting spam.  I wouldn't have any hard
drive space left if I didn't delete spam.

epistemological humility
   - Chris Riddoch -

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