[lug] isolinux splash screen

Shannon Johnston sjohnston at cavionplus.com
Wed Sep 29 14:43:55 MDT 2004

I found a lot of good references on this site:


Hope this helps a bit.

Shannon Johnston

On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 14:09, Stephen Queen wrote:
> I have been playing with syslinux/isolinux. I am trying to
> figure out how to generate a splash screen. The
> documentation seems very clik (clear if known). I seem to be
> able to create the .pnm. I then run the script ppmtolss16
> and get the .rle. I can run the opposite script lss16toppm
> and look and see that the file looks just as I want it to.
> But when I burn a CD and then boot it, I get one solid
> color, rather than the splash I expected.
> Does anyone know of a good tutorial ( other than the docs
> that are included with syslinux) that explains this better?
> Stephen Queen
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Shannon Johnston <sjohnston at cavionplus.com>
Cavion Plus
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