[lug] Educational linux \\\\ seeking someone with linux experience at high school level

bill ehlert ehlert_b at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 14 17:32:26 MST 2006

**  and i believe there is someone with such
    experience on the   clue-talk   list.

--- Steve Sullivan <Steve at yahoo.com>,

> In this morning's Boulder Daily Camera was a
> long article
> on how Boulder schools will be switching from
> Macs to PCs
> over the next few years.
> This would be a good time to propose Linux
> software
> instead of paying license fees.  A reference
> from
> someone who's been there is vital.  Does anyone
> know of any
> elementary/middle/high school system running
> Linux?
> What Linux systems and packages work best for
> elementary/middle/high schools?
> My first guess is 
> http://www.edubuntu.org/
> What else?
> Thanks,
> Steve
> -- 
> ========================================
> Steve Sullivan    sullivan at mathcom.com
> http://www.mathcom.com    303-494-7115


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