[lug] Pointers Needed for Building Web Interface for PostgreSQL

kegrill at comcast.net kegrill at comcast.net
Mon Nov 27 16:38:26 MST 2006

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Bill Thoen <bthoen at gisnet.com>
> I'm looking for pointers/examples on how to build a web interface to a
> PostgreSQL database residing on a Fedora Core 5 system. I don't need
> anything too involved at this point; I just want to see what's involved in
> creating a simple interface that lets authorized users view records in a
> form based view and edit certain fields. 
> The Googlits I've found so far seem to favor PHP, but I was hoping there's
> something for Perl or even pgsql. Does anyone have any suggestions?
> - Bill Thoen

Assuming your PostgreSQL DB is listening for connections on a network 
interface... (check in postgresql.conf in /<where_ever_psql_is>/data ).

A webserver,  perl DBI driver (DBD-Pg), and perl's CGI module make it  
pretty simple.  The perl documentation is probably good enough to get you 
going.   If not, you can always peek at the books Programming the Perl DBI
 and CGI Programming with Perl.  I think the Perl Cookbook may also have
some useful bits....

(I don't know anything about FC5, but the CGI module is probably part of 
the standard perl package and the DBI shouldn't be much harder to get.)

Even I can do it ;-)


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