[lug] Borrowing hardware...

Mike Stanczyk stanczyk at pcisys.net
Wed Jul 14 13:25:02 MDT 2010

I've got some old hardware I'm contemplating what to do with and I need
some help getting some data.

I have a set of CH Products joysticks that I used to use on flight sims.
They are a nice set but they have a problem: gameport (joystick port).
Computers today do not have a gameport.  And laptops have never had them.

So I'm left with a few options:
Buy new.  I'm broke and unemployed.

Buy a converter. 
Now $20 is affordable but there are a lot of forum posts I've seen via Google
that says the converter(s) are very hit and miss.  And they're a little
hard to find, even on ebay.

DIY conversion to USB direct
Gut the joysticks and install a ATMegaxxx chip to run the joysticks as a
USB generic joystick.  The thought of gutting the joysticks is kinda heart
breaking but doable...

DIY conversion to USB indirect
build my own joystick to usb converter.  Totally doable.  I've got an
Arduino just need a connector or two and I'm on the road to code.

To make a decent decision I need to borrow a Rockfire converter.

I need to test if my setup is compatable and get and idea of the proformance
of a converter.  Maybe peak inside if the owner is cool about it.


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