[lug] Pine-- delete from server.

Ken Weinert kenw at ihs.com
Tue Apr 11 11:31:49 MDT 2000

You'll either need to delete the "keep" option (if present) or add a 
"no keep" option to your .fetchmailrc.

* John Starkey (jstarkey at polaris.umuc.edu) [000411 11:23]:
> I have pine set up to retrieve (thru fetchmail) from a pop server. I had
> to d-load using my iMac today and found out that Pine isn't deleting the
> messages it d-loads. I've been through the options several times and
> haven't seen the option. Is this a fetchmail thing???

Ken Weinert   kenw at ihs.com 303-858-6956 (V) 978-336-5652 (F)
PGP: DF 2B 6C 72 33 BE 06 D1  9D C4 ED 32 36 97 C0 6E
    If only Ben Franklin had waited for a sunny day to fly his kite,
he might have discovered solar energy while there was still time.

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