[lug] deny.db message

John Hernandez John.Hernandez at noaa.gov
Tue Jan 30 10:06:21 MST 2001

The zero size of your db file could be the problem.  When I 'makemap
hash' from an empty text file, the result still contains data:

-rw-r--r--    1 jph      jph             0 Jan 30 10:02 map
-rw-r--r--    1 jph      jph          4096 Jan 30 10:03 map.db

You might fix it by running 'makemap hash deny.db < deny'

"Michael J. Hammel" wrote:
> I just noticed I'm getting a strange notice from outgoing mail on one of my
> boxes.  When I send a message, I get this:
>    Cannot open hash database /etc/mail/deny.db: Permission denied
> /etc/mail/deny.db looks like this:
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     users           0 Oct 21 01:21 deny.db
> I run with sendmail, so maybe this is a sendmail configuration issue.  Note
> that outgoing mail does get sent.  I just get this message with each
> message.
> Anyone know how to fix this?
> --
> Michael J. Hammel           |
> The Graphics Muse           |    A hard-on doesn't count as personal growth.
> mjhammel at graphics-muse.org  |
> http://www.graphics-muse.com
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John Hernandez, Network Engineer --------------------------------------
US Department of Commerce                             tel: 303-497-6392
NOAA/OAR - Mailstop R/OM12                            fax: 303-497-6005
325 Broadway                            e-mail: John.Hernandez at noaa.gov
Boulder, CO 80303                               http://boulder.noaa.gov

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