[lug] Linux for Alphastation

Ryan Kirkpatrick linux at rkirkpat.net
Mon Mar 26 20:48:13 MST 2001

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001, Stephen Kawalko wrote:

> At 9:02 PM -0700 3/24/2001, Ryan Kirkpatrick wrote:
> > On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Stephen Kawalko wrote:
> >
> > > Can anyone recommend a Linux distribution for use on an Alphastation 250?
> >
> > 	I would recommend Debian, I have two XLT 366s running it and at
> > one time had it on a UDB (which is now dead :( ). It is easy to setup,
> > runs great, and is very easy to update. Of course, since I run Debian on
> > all my Linux boxes (x86, Alpha, and Sparc), I might be a bit biased. :)
> > 	My two cents....
> Can you be a bit more specific. Is the Debian distribution easier to
> install than the RedHat or SuSe distributions? Does Debian do a better job
> of supporting  Alpha-based systems?

	Sure... Depends what your definition of "easy" is... While a lot
of people say that Debian has a horrible installer, I like it quite a
bit. It is not as glitzy as RH or SuSe, but it provides a lot of
flexiblity (can jump around between the steps), and is pretty straight
forward if you are familar with Linux. I wouldn't recommend it for Linux
newbies, but I would recommend it for moderately experienced Linux users
and highly recommend it for any Linux gurus (i.e. no fluff).
	As for supporting Alpha based systems, it is more a function of
the kernel than a distribution. I never had a problem install Debian on my
Alphas, though booting an Alpha in general is not nearly as easy as
booting an X86 box. Last time I used RH on Alpha was back at 4.2, so I
don't know what their current state is. Of all of the Debian packages I
installed on my Alpha, few have ever had any problems. The compiler works
just fine, and can compile a working kernel w/o problem. 
	I am basicalling recommending Debian for Alpha just as I would
recommend it for any other architecture... I just find easier to install,
configure, and maintain than all of the other distributions. 
	Two more of my cents...

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                    |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |  http://www.rkirkpat.net/   |

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