[lug] good amd motherboards for linux RH 71.

Timothy C. Klein teece at silverklein.net
Thu Nov 29 11:11:07 MST 2001

I have an Abit KT7-Raid.  Very nice board, no Linux problems at all.  It
does not support DDR SDram or teh 266 Mhz FSB of the new Athlons, as it
is a bit older.  I have never actually used the UDMA 100 features, as it
resides on the 2 extra raid IDE channels, and I am not using those right
now.  I also have a Soyo something or other for the older Athlons (the
Thunderbird, like the Abit).  I don't remember the model, as I bought it
in a hurry at Compusa when another motherboard died.  It also works
fine, but I don't remember what it is, so taht is no help.  And lastly,
I have an AMD 750 board, that runs the Athlon classic.  It as always
been slightly flakey, but not too bad.  But you can't buy that board or
processor any more, I suspect, unless you buy them used.

I had never heard about this Duron issue.  I only have Athlons.  When I
have built machines, I didn't think Durons were enough cheaper than the
Athlon to warrant the loss of cache.  They seemed to be pretty close in
price, when I was looking.


* lana emodsey (lana_tux at yahoo.com) wrote:
> hi,
> i am looking for first-hand references about
> reliable, "works off the box", AMD duron or better
> motherboards to run under RH 7.1
> i am considering both non-DDR and DDR options.  I
> understand the Duron cannot take advantage of DDR,
> but i am a bit fuzzy on that.  So, some education
> in that regard will be welcome.
> i am open to recommendations/comments on boards 
> with on-board support for net/video/sound.
> TIA - lana
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== Timothy Klein || teece at silverklein.net   ==
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