[lug] remotely accessible sub-domain

Warren Sanders sanders at montanalinux.org
Tue Mar 4 08:39:41 MST 2003

Peter Hutnick wrote:
> Paul Nowosielski said:
>> I have computer on my home network that I would like to set up as a
>>remotely accessible sub-domain  ( ex: mycomp.mydomain.com ). My network
>>is set up like this:
>>	Internet
>>	|
>>  	dsl-modem
>>		|
>>        	mainbox(
>>        		|(nat)
>>			|
>>			mycomp.mydomain.com (
>>How can I make remotely accessible via http and ssh?
>>I would appreciate any help in this.
> I'm a bit confused by your diagram, and I think maybe others are as well
> from the responses thus far.
> Are you saying that your ISP assigns you a 10.0.0. (i.e. non-Internet
> routeable) address?
> Or do you mean that your DSL terminal equipment gets the Internet
> routeable IP and passes off a 10.0.0. on your workstation?
> Or is there some other NAT device (i.e. Linksys router) not pictured that
> is getting the real IP?
> Bottom line, are you really doing two levels of NAT?  Successfully?
> -Peter

Good catch!  I agree; you're not going to get remote access unless you have 
a public IP assigned to your mainbox or DSL/Router.  I think we all assumed 
that much anyway in this scenario.

Warren Sanders

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