[lug] Boulder Linux Users Group - 10-year Anniversary Meeting

gkmarsh at ekit.com gkmarsh at ekit.com
Thu Mar 17 14:05:07 MST 2005


Revolution OS will be showing tonite, 17/3, at the Mercury Cafe at
22nd and California at 1900h.  

Greg Marsh

>On Wed, 2005-03-09 at 10:13, Brad Grissom wrote:
>> Is Michael J. Hammel scheduled to give any talks
>for BLUG soon?
>Not yet.  See previous posting re: bad weather
>> If not, here is an idea for you Michael:
>> Topic: Digital Photography Workflow with Linux
>> Reason: I recently went to a "Nikon School" class
>about workflow.  By workflow
>> I mean transferring pictures to the computer,
>efficiently filtering out the
>> good ones from the bad ones, performing any
>correction (i.e. color balance),
>> and archiving them  into a database.
>I think I can cover this except maybe for the
>archiving into a database
>part.  I don't do that myself yet but I honestly
>don't take nearly that
>many photographs.  Digital cameras are drastically
>changing the way
>things are done.  But I don't own one yet.  :-)
>I've still got a 35MM
>SLR that I'm still not completely sure how to use
>(despite Wayde's best
>attempts at showing me).
>> All the software that the Nikon dudes use is
>proprietary (at least it is
>> available on Mac).  I'd like to do the same stuff
>with equivalent efficiency
>> using open-source Linux tools.
>Most of this is managable under Linux, though you
>probably have to use a
>set of tools instead of an all-in-one package.
>There used to be a nice
>image management system - Compupic, think it was
>called - but I don't
>know if they're still making the Linux version.  It
>was commercial
>though I had a free copy when they were beta
>testing.  GIMP, gPhoto and
>friends are all part of the workflow you described.
>Anway, I'll try to put something together on this
>for later this summer,
>after I've got the family moved up and we're settled
>in.  I wouldn't
>expect it before August or September, though.
>Michael J. Hammel
>The Graphics Muse              Chinese Proverb:
>mjhammel at graphics-muse.org        Man who leaps from
>tall building, jumps to
>http://www.ximba.org              conclusion.
>Web Page:  http://lug.boulder.co.us
>Mailing List:
>Join us on IRC: lug.boulder.co.us portf67

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