[lug] LPIC-2 study materials

Crawford Rainwater crawford.rainwater at linux-etc.com
Wed May 12 17:37:13 MDT 2010

Nate and company:

For those interested in LPIC-2 (and LPIC-1 too) study materials, the LPI email lists recommend the following (from a posting in Feb 2010):

>The best online resource I found for LPI exam prep is the IBM
> DeveloperWorks serie of tutorials:
>     http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/lpi/
> Ian Shields, the author of most of these tutorials, is a participant in
> this list.

This is the LPI-Discuss email list for reference.  I have not personally reviewed these materials (I probably should and eventually get my LPIC-2 as well ;-) ) so I cannot comment on them pro/con wise.  Granted, Ian does tend to keep things as close with the current LPI objectives though.


--- Crawford

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