[lug] Debugging a startup problem

Jed S. Baer blug at jbaer.cotse.net
Mon Jul 9 08:19:56 MDT 2018

On Mon, 9 Jul 2018 07:47:25 -0600
Jed S. Baer wrote:

> Well, just informational, as to root cause, this is in logwatch this AM:
>  usb 1-10.2: device descriptor read/64, error -110 ...:  1 Time(s)

A little more background, which I'm now remembering.

I have 2 of this model MOBO - Gigabyte H110M-S2H. The first crapped out
with -- yes -- bad USB 2 and maybe degraded further; I don't recall. I
took it back to MicroCenter, but it was already beyond in-store basic
return time. So I bought another, and RMA'd the 1st to Gigabyte. They
returned it, repair or replace, I don't know, because they included no
information as to what was broken or how they fixed it. I have that one
sitting on the shelf.

MOBO #2, I bought the extended warranty. So, I can take it back to
Microcenter. Yay me!

But now I want to web search that model for chronic USB failure, when I
get home tonight.

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