[lug] Guitar to USB

Mike Witt msg2mw at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 18:11:47 MDT 2020

On 06/17/2020 05:53:31 PM, Davide Del Vento wrote:
> > > I was shocked when the Focusrite I bought, with a fairly good
> > > condenser
> > > microphone produced results very close to built-in microphones on
> > > various
> > > laptops I had (yes, I listened back to the recording from the
> > > Focusrite
> > > audio interface itself, both with decent headphones and with HiFi
> > > amp+speakers). So I returned both and went back to the easier  
> option.
> >
> > That's a very interesting bit of information. I've talked to a  
> couple
> > of people on the Linux Musicians forum who are kind of pushing the
> > Focusrite.
> >
> Ditto. Hence I was shocked by that finding. I don't doubt that a good  
> audio
> engineer could have made things better with the Focusrite, but alas I  
> am
> not one. I know Physics and know that the mic positioning is very
> important, but could not find one that was definitely better. My  
> guess was
> that the integrated mics are designed to be better "in general", by  
> picking
> sound omnidirectionally and without being too sensitive to the  
> background,
> whereas the condenser mic (a cardioid MXL770 with its noise-insulating
> mounting hw) is designed to pick up exactly what is happening at a  
> given
> point in space with greater fidelity, background noise from a  
> refrigerator
> in another room or from lightbulbs included. In online music lessons,  
> 4
> different teachers agreed that the sound with the Focusrite was  
> definitely
> worse than the one with the integrated microphones (with 4 different
> laptops), and that the latter was more than adequate for the lessons.
> > Well, a couple of things. I'm trying to use "Jamulus" (long story)  
> and
> >
> Wow, I was in fact wondering about someone trying to do that! Would  
> it work
> for online lessons too? As I said we have 4 teachers for 3 different
> instruments here (clarinet, violin and piano) and the ability to play
> simultaneously with the teacher would be great! I know that might be
> impossible depending on latency, but some of the teachers are local  
> (when
> they are not travelling :-) and I'll bet at least one would be on the  
> same
> ISP.

I've heard (but don't have any personal knowledge) that this is more  
popular with teachers:


I know nothing about it. From the website it looks more like a  
"service" of some kind.

Back to jamulus. I've installed the "client" and I sat in on a session  
that some people were having. They were all "close" to each other in  
network terms and it seemed to work fine. All I did was listen. I  
haven't managed to get my guitar hooked up to it yet, and when I start  
up the client I don't see any servers in Denver (although the physical  
distance and the latency distance could be very different).

> [a little more details on your project]
> Very nice! And I know (but do not use) Rosegarden.

It seems like Ardour is the more popular one. I just got started with  
Rosegarden for whatever reason. I have no idea how they actually  

> > PS: this is OT, but ought to be known by everybody who does music  
> and
> > > Linux: https://www.modartt.com/
> >
> > Interesting. I'll hang on to that link. I currently have no decent
> > voices.
> What voices are you talking about? Do you mean "virtual instruments"?

Yeah, that's what I meant. I downloaded some "sound fonts" from some  
freebie place a long time ago. I don't even remember.

> > One piano that's "ok" but that's about it. I guess I plan to
> > worry about that if I ever record anything worth listening to.
> >
>  FWIW, pianoteq (and organteq), besides having a Linux version (which  
> is
> great) also have a demo version which is not too-badly limited (after  
> 20
> minutes you need to close and reopen the program and there are 8 notes
> missing out of the 88 notes of the piano -- obviously they are
> strategically placed, but not too annoying):  
> https://www.modartt.com/try
> There also are other instruments:  
> https://www.modartt.com/instrument_list
> (included in the demo) and https://www.modartt.com/free_stuff (you  
> need to
> buy the software to use the latter)
> Just to be clear, I have no affiliation with this software, I am just
> intrigued by it (and not have bought it, at least not yet), and only
> briefly tried an older version.
> And since we are at it, let me also mention  
> https://blokas.io/patchbox-os/
> which seems very interesting (but I have not even tried it)
> Cheers,
> Davide

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